Biserica unificarii, Moldova, Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon, Messiah
Rom.Biserica Unificării este o instituţie non-guvernamentală, publică, non-profit, cu un caracter religios, fiind înregistrată pe data de 15 mai 2008 de către Ministerul Justiţiei al Republicii Moldova. Eng.The Unification Church is a new religious movement founded by Korean religious leader Sun Myung Moon.
경하드립니다 칠일절:ㅎㄴㄴ축복영원선포식.모든 축복가정 종족적메시아선포 칠팔절:천지부모천주선포식 종적 횡적 8단계 총64단계를 완성 장자권복귀선포. 360만 축복으로 8단계를 자유로위 넘나들수 있는기반 마련
Messiah Final Words for Humankind
My Final Words for Humankind
True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.
They are The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture], The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of Peace], True Families—Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and World Scripture. These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.
You should now set up the hoondokhae study tradition in your families using the books I have mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven’s word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let’s create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.
Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in to infest your lineage, once he encounters the hoondokhae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast and still does not receive God’s blessings, who then could ever be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of one family under God.
Ladies and gentlemen, last year, my memoirs, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, an honest and candid account of my life, were published. Through this book I share how I discovered God’s will for humankind and the path that we, as God’s children, should follow. My life has been a typical model of the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again.” I have as much faith in this book as in the Hoondok textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned. For this reason, I recommend it to you, believing that it will show you how to lead your lives according to true principles. It does not subtract or add anything to the ninety years of my life, which I have led under Heaven’s decree. I pray you will carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration.
I have already mentioned that a life of vertical “noon-time” alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.
Participati Joi 17:00 și Duminică 9.00 la Serviciul de Vindecare prin Duhul Sfânt al BISERICII
Deasemena suntem onorati de a Vă invita la activitățile
noastre săptămînale:
-Zilnic 10.00-19.00 Lectii de Principiu Divin
- Serviciile de vindecare prin Duhul sfint Joi 17.00 si Duminica 10.00
-Luni 18.00 Adunarea Rugăciune pentru Pace
-Sîmbătă 18.00 Clubul Teologic Interreligios
- Duminică 10.00 Serviciul Divin
-Seminare de 2 zile în fiece Joi si Vineri sau sîmbătă şi duminică
-seminare de 5 zile- o dată în lună
-seminare de 21 de zile-de două ori pe an
Adresa: R.Moldova, Chişinău,
regiunea Malina Mică,
str. Constantin Vîrnav, 13 / bir.4
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